Peyton wants to trade Mipedian creatures for Tom's scan but Tom declines as he distrusts them after what happened with Reggie and Mudeenu. He says Overworlders are better so Peyton takes him to the Mipedian desert. Tom's opinion changes when he and Peyton are attacked by an evil scorpioid Overworlder named Slruhk.
Joshua Briggs, J. David Brimmer, Shawn Curran, Booth Daniels, Booth Daniels, Max Woertendyke, Sean Schemmel, David Wills, Clay Adams, Darren Dunstan, Eva Kaminsky, Eric Stuart, Madeleine Blaustein, Marc Diraison, Jason Griffith, Rebecca Soler, Kevin Kolack, David Zen Mansley, Gregory Abbey