Fredenslund is being renovated, and Ms. Madsen is very unhappy about all the noise. A routine surgery goes mysteriously wrong - to Dr. Neumann and Anna's great dismay and surprise. While Nina tries to hide how far along she is in her pregnancy, Bent tries to come up with names for the baby. An old friend of the Matron is admitted, but he doesn't want the Matron to know.
Molly Blixt Egelind, Jens Jørn Spottag, Katrine Greis-Rosenthal, Anette Støvelbæk, Benedikte Hansen, Asta August, Mikkel Hilgart, Jesper Groth, Thue Ersted Rasmussen, Ulla Vejby, Anna Stokholm, Preben Kristensen, Neel Rønholt, Kasper Dalsgaard, Jon Lange, Jesper Ole Feit Andersen, Silke Friis, Andrea Heick Gadeberg