Is Komarov the 'unicorn' Earth-bound billionaire Goldstein hunts? As Jeanne leaves the spaceship to reach Thaumasia, Gramat tries a desperate gambit to regain the initiative on Mars, following her with Gemma as a hostage. Zillion's soldiers arrive to seize Komarov but Alessandra does not let them in. Yann is now alone against all.
Hélène Viviès, Olivia Malahieude, Pierre Niccolo-Sassetti, Camille Lockhart, Louis Huster, Lucas Englander, Mathias Mlekuz, Barbara Probst, Stefan Kollmuss, Vincent Londez, Natasha Andrews, Ben Homewood, Eliott Jenicot, Aurora Marion, Cédric Chevalme, Fabrice Scott, Emmanuelle Rivière, Mathurin Voltz, Claire Tran, Oisín Stack, Anne-Laure Gruet