The Watchmaker refuses to see Bloom and Jim and locks himself in his home. Bloom and Jim fight Smee's zombie pirates, but are captured and sent through the portal. The other Winx discover that Silke's real talent is repairing mechanical watches and that she is the niece of the Watchmaker. They meet Evans and Gomez and find the pocket watch. After Silke disables the security system, the Watchmaker says he cannot repair the watch as it is magical and runs counter-clockwise, but Silke is able to fix it.
Carole Baillien, Alice Ley, Esther Aflalo, Mélanie Dermont, Tania Garbarski, Delphine Moriau, Audrey D'Hulstère, Sophie Frison, Micheline Tziamalis, Hélène van Dyck, Nicolas Matthys, Thibaut Delmotte, Alexandra Correa, Élisabeth Guinand, Angélique Leuleux, Alexis Flamant, Antoni Lo Presti, Julie Basecqz, Olivier Prémel, Maia Baran, Steve Driesen, Maxime Donnay, Sandrine Henry, Pierre Bodson, Valérie Muzzi, Tony Beck