Moya gets infested with bugs who have come on board to breed. They turn up the temperature to speed up the process but this causes Aeryn to get heat delirium as she is cold blooded. The bugs seem to be able to replicate members of the crew. And as if that isn't enough, a peacekeeper ship shows up.
Ben Browder, Claudia Black, Hugh Keays-Byrne, Jonathan Hardy, Anthony Simcoe, John Bach, Gigi Edgley, Wayne Pygram, Melissa Jaffer, Tammy Macintosh, Rebecca Riggs, Paul Goddard, David Franklin, Duncan Young, Raelee Hill, Lani John Tupu, Francesca Buller, Sandy Gore, Ron Haddrick, Linal Haft, Stephen James King, Tim McCunn, John Adam, Nathaniel Dean, Kim De Lury, Judi Farr