Luci introduces her new friend, Patty (who is visually impaired), to Barney, Michael, Tina and Kathy. Patty comments that a beautiful day can be experienced through more of one's senses than just sight. Michael's class is studying the five senses, which leads to fun songs and activities related to each of them. Perhaps most important, Patty shows the group that a child with blindness can do many things for him/herself and play right along with the others. Patty teaches the kids a rhyme and its corresponding hand movements...and she reads a story to Kathy, using braille.
David Joyner, Carey Stinson, Dean Wendt, Julie Johnson, Jeff Ayers, Patty Wirtz, Michaela Dietz, Bob West, Adrianne Kangas, Tory Green, Emilio Mazur, Kyle Nelson, Lauren Mayeux, Jerad Harris, Danielle Vega, Jessica Hinojosa, Skylar Herbert