Janet feels George is taking her for granted. Pete was fixing the window glass when he cut himself & Janet was looking at the cut when George walks in. Pete leaves & Janet tries to make George jealous but George is calm about it.
Piers is engaged to Carole to try to further his image
Later George tries to be jealous for Janet's sake but isn't to convincing. When Arnie offers Janet some cake, she takes a piece, George sees this & really gets Jealous. (Ultronian style)He turns green.!
Tyler suggests a marriage counselor who shrinks George to teach him a lesson.
A typhoon in Kyoto needs Thermoman's attention. George apologises to Janet & he regains his normal size. Carole Tells Piers the wedding is off because she was using him to further her career. George buys Janet a cake to share with whomever she chooses. Mrs Raven has a slice just as Arnie walks in. He sees this & turns green.
Ardal O'Hanlon, Tim Wylton, Philip Whitchurch, Lill Roughley, Hugh Dennis, Geraldine McNulty, Emily Joyce, Pat Kelman, Lou Hirsch