1.Benny Quickies: Indiscretions a. The Ceiling b. Compulsive Liar c. You Carry The Baby d. "92"
2.Benny's Ballad: Cockney Girls and Rustic Lasses
3.Hill's Little Angels: The Birthday Party
4.Fred Scuttle: The Daily Scuttle
5.Benny Quickie: Bad Memory!
6.Hills Angels: Sport
7.The After Dinner Speech Dinner
8.Benny Quickie: Sick As a Dog a. Rover Bit Your Mother b. Expecting
9.The Crook Report
10.Closing Chase
Benny Hill, Henry McGee, Bob Todd, Nicholas Parsons, Jackie Wright, Helen Horton, Bella Emberg, Patricia Hayes, Anna Dawson, Felicity Buirski, Helli Louise