When Mr. Ratburn assigns everyone in his class an individual topic about Thanksgiving to write a five-page report on, Francine feels that she's "doomed." She has no idea how she's going to come up with five pages on the Pilgrims' eating habits, until Brain shows her how to use a search engine to find information about the subject on the Internet. She copies the contents of an entire article and hands it in as her report, looking forward to a relaxing holiday. She then learns from her sister that what she's done is plagiarism and could get her suspended from school.
Roman Lutterotti, Ethan Pugiotto, Bruce Dinsmore, Jessica Kardos, Melissa Altro, Evan Blaylock, Jodie Resther, Daniel Brochu, Sonja Ball, Arthur Holden, Tracy Braunstein, Simon Peacock, Joanna Noyes, Tamar Kozlov, Jake Sim, Jacob Ewaniuk, Sally Taylor-Isherwood, Eleanor Noble, Robyn Thaler Hickey