Jinny learns that Jack will move, the team watches a crime about to happen. Kate begins her recovery. Magda tells Jonah she might be having a baby, Jonah isn't ready for kids.
Kate comes home from the hospital CD & Nate try to catch prisoners who escape custody hurting Nate. Jinnny & Magda talk about if she will have a baby while waiting for Gina Bracken. None of the team likes the new captain because he wants everything done by the book.
Gabe is disappointed that she isn't pregnant. Kate asks to be updated on things, she can't get used to having a stroke.
Jinny leans that the gun that was used to kill a Marshal also killed her brother John.
Bonnie Bedelia, Nancy McKeon, Lisa Vidal, Jon Hamm, Taraji P. Henson, Amy Jo Johnson