Moana and Patrick have kissed. Moana is worried about Vincent’s reaction. Lison, meanwhile, is summoning up all of her courage to try to explain her actions to Enzo. Nabilla continues helping the Elements in their quest for love.
Nabilla Benattia, Vincent Ramonet, Enzo Pech-Chahinian, Anne Castillo, Lison Di Martino, Moana Munoz, Patrick Fuhrer, Veda Gillard, Teddy Deliessche, Florian Foggea, Benjamin Brouant, Andrea Berizzi, Salah Bousbih, Nicolas Nirde, Jasmine Boutaghat-Matagne, Marine Reddan, Lolita Ferrari, Vitale Bodard, Pedro Gomes Da Silva, Colette, Moon, Anna Terre