A man who appears to be running gets the papers of one of the ship's deck hands and goes onboard. Vicki's attracted to him. But they soon discover that he is wanted by Interpol and when he explains that he paid the deck hand for his papers, and that he's a prince who just wanted to get away from his duties, she doesn't believe. Eventually he is taken away. Laterwhile out walking she sees a Royal entourage and sees that he was telling the truth. A woman runs into the man she was involved with during the War and it seems that she turned him into the Nazis. While she remembers him, he doesn't recognize her. And somehow they end spending time together and she senses that he still harbors ill feelings for the girl who turned him in. She later reveals who she is and he shuns her. Later when they run into each other again, he says that he forgives her, that she did it to save herself. She then says that she didn't do it to save herself but to save him. It seems that after she pointed him out
Gavin MacLeod, Lauren Tewes, Fred Grandy, Ted Lange, Ted McGinley, Bernie Kopell, Jill Whelan