Tyranno Hassleberry, the top first grade of yellow challenges Jaden for a duel. Tyranno was the original school gang leader, beating Jaden to prove the fact that the academy has charisma. He loves Dinosaurs, so he uses Dinosaur deck. By the field magic Jurassic World, Dinosaur and Beast families can be powered up, and even the trap is repulsed. Furthermore, by Ultra Evolution Pill Jyooshin Kayaku, Jaden is threatened by the evolution of Archaeopteryx to Black Tyranno with 2900 attack points.
KENN, Masami Suzuki, Kappei Yamaguchi, Sanae Kobayashi, Taiki Matsuno, Takeshi Maeda, Kanako Irie, Koji Yusa, Naru Kawamoto, Naoya Iwahashi, Yuuki Masuda, Hiroshi Shimizu, Hiroshi Shimozaki, Takehiro Hasu, Eri Sendai, Takehito Koyasu, Chieko Higuchi, Hiromi Tsuru