Dr Christian Jessen comes face to face with twenty-six-year-old Kevin Calladine from Brighton who hasn't had a decent meal since he left home. Short on time and money, his weight has plummeted to just 8 stone 5lbs, two and a half stone underweight, which is no great surprise because Kev lives on a diet of coffee and cigarettes for breakfast, pre-packed sandwiches for lunch and a liquid dinner of orange juices.
Meanwhile, supersized super-eater Julie Mead from Essex weighs in at 26 stone 6lbs. Julie hopes some motherly love will help fatten Kev up while she learns to curb her excessive food consumption.
Journalist Anna Richardson continues her weight-loss crusade, hoping that hypnosis will help her drop a dress size.
Surfer girl Gillian McKeith dons her wetsuit to get some Welsh rare-butts to reduce their rears.
And how to have your cake and eat it: with three posh puddings on offer – Pavlova, Belgian chocolate cake and apple tart – can the horsey set guess a high-calorie pudding when they see one? Gillian offers some low-calorie alternatives.
Liza Tarbuck, Anna Ryder Richardson, Gillian McKeith, Anna Richardson