Elizabeth is disturbed by Willie's disappearence. While she did want him to leave, he did not take any of his belongings or the money Elizabeth offered him with him. Jason, looking for Willie, finds out from the caretaker that Willie had broken into the Collins Mausoleum the night before. At Collinwood, Mrs. Johnson opens the door and finds a man who asks for Elizabeth. Mrs. Johnson goes to tell Elizabeth, but first asks the man's name. He tells her his name is Barnabas Collins - the name of the man in the portrait that is hanging in the foyer at that moment.
Jonathan Frid, Grayson Hall, Joan Bennett, David Selby, Kathryn Leigh Scott, Lara Parker, Alexandra Isles, Nancy Barrett, Louis Edmonds, David Henesy, Thayer David, John Karlen, Joel Crothers, Roger Davis, Jerry Lacy, Jonathan Frid, Dennis Patrick