Based on a true story, this four-part drama tells the story of the murder of 11-year-old Rhys Jones in Croxteth, Liverpool, in 2007. It explores Melanie’s and Steve’s ordeal, and tells of how Rhys’ murderer and associates were eventually brought to justice.
Stephen Graham, Stephen Walters, Sonny Begya, Matthew Roberts, Christine Tremarco, Michael Moran, Nathan Clark Smith, James Nelson-Joyce, Paddy Rowan, Jack McMullen, Kent Riley, Jay Johnson, Laura Dos Santos, Megan Dawson, Howard Corlett, Paddy Birkenhead, Alicia Brockenbrow, Olivia Manning, Neil Fitzmaurice, Jodie McNee, Dan Renton Skinner, Andrew Schofield, Sylvie Gatrill, Jack Corrie, Heather Bleasdale, Michael Baker, Kerrie Hayes, Alicya Eyo, Vanessa Emme, Simon Fielder, Derek Barr, John McGrellis, Lizzie Hopley, Michelle Butterly, Samantha Robinson, Jack Lamb, Robbie O'Neill, Gerard Horan, Jason Thorpe, Howard Ward, Nigel Betts, Brían F. O'Byrne, Sinéad Keenan, Elizabeth Berrington, Sara Powell, Faye McKeever