Anna, an elementary school teacher, discovers that her student Grace is a victim of abuse. Driven by maternal instinct, Anna abducts Grace to protect her and assumes the role of a mother. As they bond amid threats from the authorities and Grace's abusive mother, Anna confronts her painful past, realizing that she needs healing as much as Grace does.
Julia Montes, Sharon Cuneta, Zia Grace, Janice de Belen, Sam Milby, Jennica Garcia, Christian Bables, Sophia Reola, Eric Fructuoso, Adrian Lindayag, Aya Fernandez, Karl Gabriel, Mary Joy Apostol, Andrez Del Rosario, Fe de los Reyes, Emilio Daez, Elisse Joson, PJ Endrinal, Daisy Cariño, Lotlot Bustamante, Jong Cuenco, Alma Concepcion, Ramon Christopher